Name/nick to use in amiugly:

Be sure to review the safety page before participating.

If you haven't cammed here successfully yet and want to, CLICK HERE.

Please read the room rules below before continuing


This room is for people to get constructive feedback about their looks, body language and other items that may be getting in the way of them meeting someone special.

This is not a sex chat, luring or hunting room. Please take that elsewhere.

Send an offline message to jiji if you have questions.

Rules for commenters!
Brutal honesty is a must, but at the same time have tact.

No short unhelpful comments (e.g. "Ugly", "x/10", "Cute")! Be as constructive as possible. Offer improvements people can make to improve their appearance.

The reddiquette applies here. Do not dig in user histories for information and do not post personal information.

If you see anything that violates these rules, type /tellmods and explain the issue to the mods.

Rules for posters!

No nude camming! This room is 15+ - so keep it clean.

For the love of all that is Reddit - DO NOT LINK TO YOUR FACEBOOK PICTURES! They are very easy to trace.

Do not post your personal information.
By signing-in you consent to using cookies, our terms of service and privacy policy.

This site usually works best on CHROME.

Firefox, Safari and Opera are also supported. IE8 may only show a single cam in a room. IE9 will usually view cams but sometimes fails to show your own cam when broadcasting.

If you have trouble viewing/transmitting on Firefox on a Mac, try switching to Safari or Chrome.
